From lawyer to maths teacher
I have been a trainee maths teacher for just over a term, and am currently undertaking my second school placement. Before that, I was a lawyer, spending the last 19 years working in-house for a global pharmaceutical company. As I reflect back on the transition from one to the other, there are absolutely no regrets (yet).
Why the change? There were many reasons. I was not unhappy in my old career: I was well paid; I worked with nice people; and I believed in the mission underpinning my work. However, for a number of years, my enthusiasm had been waning — too many meetings, too many emails and too much time spent discussing how to do things rather than doing it. I could only see more of the same for the future and after a re-organisation I was offered the chance to take redundancy. That offer started me thinking about what I really wanted.
In my spare time, I have been a scout leader and youth rugby coach for years. I knew that I enjoyed working with young people. I find it hugely rewarding to give young people opportunities that will enable them to develop life skills and grow into positive confident contributors to society. Given that it is what I spend my spare time doing (for free!), it seemed only natural to move into education — where my hobby becomes my career.
As I researched online how to change careers, I found the whole process very confusing as there were so many different ways to train. But with the help of Early Engagement Adviser*, Alex, I was able to understand my options. I was able to ask my questions direct to a person who had knowledge of the different options and also of teaching generally. Later on, Teacher Training Adviser, Simon, helped me by reviewing and commenting on my personal statement. They both gave me the confidence to go on, and for that I am really grateful.
Not a day has gone by yet where I have regretted my decision. That is not to say that there haven’t been days when a lesson has gone badly, or behaviour has been challenging, but there is always another day, another class and as a whole, I have loved being in school. I worked evenings and weekends before — and I am doing that a bit now too with lesson planning and marking — but, I am normally home by 4pm and see my kids every day.
I have been fortunate to meet a lot of very good teachers in my first five months: at my home school, on second school placement and on school visits. They are all so inspiring, and motivate me daily to make sure I never regret this career change and I am sure that will be the case if I can be the best teacher I can be.
*Our early engagement team support those looking to start teacher training in 2020. If you’re a second-year undergraduate or looking to change career, call us on Freephone 0800 389 2500 or register online to find out how we can help you.